CAtFinder | Class to monitor input stream for EXRAIL SCREEN commands Format: <@ screen row "Text"> |
CAtFinderLoggerIntegrationTests | Test harness integration testing of ConsoleInput and Logger classes |
CAtFinderTests | |
CCallbackInterface | Interface class to use for callbacks |
CCompilerCreationTests | Test harness for creating user defined devices via the compiler macros This test harness uses devices defined in test/mocks/MockMyConfig.h |
CConfigurator | |
CConfiguratorTests | |
CController | Class for the central controller for EX-Display. All application activities are controlled through this class to manage screens, displays, and user input. All devices have their begin or init type methods called from Controller::begin() |
CControllerDisplayUpdateTests | Test harness for ensuring displays are updated when screen updates are received |
CControllerInputActionTests | Test harness for input actions interacting with the Controller |
CControllerScreenCreation | Test harness for ensuring displays are updated when screen updates are received |
CControllerTests | |
CDebounceHoldInputTests | Test harness for inputs utilising debounce and hold options |
CDisplayInterface | Class to abstract away all physical display implementation to enable multiple display types |
CDisplayInterfaceTests | Test harness for physical display interface tests |
CDisplayManager | Manages all physical displays |
CDisplayManagerTests | Test harness for testing DisplayManager |
CDisplayManualSPISwitchingTests | Test harness for testing DisplayManager |
CDisplayScreenTests | Test harness for testing DisplayManager |
CInputInterface | Class to abstract away all physical input implementatio to enable multiple input types Default return should be PRESS_NONE |
CInputInterfaceTests | Test harness for input interface tests |
CInputManager | |
CInputManagerTests | Test harness for input interface tests |
CLogger | Class to enable simple logging to a Stream object with different log levels This enables embedding permanent error, warn, info, and debug messages in the software, with the user defining the log level at compile time if more diagnostics are required |
CLoggerTests | |
CMockArduino | |
CMockButtonInput | Mock button input class using debounce and hold methods Use setRawAction() to simulate what a button press will provide Call check() before/after time advances to test debounce and hold |
CMockCallback | Mock class to test callbacks |
CMockColourDisplay | Mock colour display class for format testing |
CMockDisplay | Mock physical display class |
CMockInput | Mock physical input class |
CMockSPIDisplay | Mock physical display class for an SPI device Use this mock to test manual switching between SPI devices Constructor with no CS pin should never switch, and one with the CS pin should always switch |
CMockTouchScreenInput | Mock touch screen input class using debounce and hold methods and calculating touch position to determine the "button" area of the screen that's been touched |
CRowAttributes | Structure for row attributes |
CRowFormattingTests | |
CScreen | Class for each screen as received from the EXRAIL SCREEN() command Each Screen instance contains a linked list of ScreenRow instances Screen instances are contained in a linked list managed separately by the ScreenManager |
CScreenManager | Class to manage all EX-Display screens |
CScreenManagerTests | |
CScreenRow | |
CScreenTests | |
CStream | Class to mock the basic Stream function equivalent of the Arduino framework |
CTFT_eSPIDisplay | Display class for TFT_eSPI based displays |
CTFT_eSPITouch | Display class for TFT_eSPI touch screens |
CTouchScreenInputTests | Test harness for touch screen inputs requiring calculation of where the user has touched to be converted to a valid InputAction |