Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- _ -
- _backgroundColour : DisplayInterface
- _calibrationFile : TFT_eSPITouch
- _callback : AtFinder, InputInterface, InputManager
- _commandStationStream : Configurator, Controller
- _consoleStream : Configurator, Controller
- _controller : Configurator
- _csPin : DisplayInterface
- _currentLevel : Logger
- _debounceDelay : InputInterface
- _debounceHold : MockTouchScreenInput
- _display : InputInterface, InputManager
- _displayId : DisplayInterface
- _displayManager : Configurator, Controller
- _firstDisplay : DisplayManager
- _firstScreen : ScreenManager
- _firstScreenRow : Screen
- _fontHeight : DisplayInterface
- _fontWidth : DisplayInterface
- _forceCalibration : InputInterface
- _gfxFont : TFT_eSPIDisplay
- _holdThreshold : InputInterface
- _input : InputManager
- _inputManager : Configurator, Controller
- _isCalibrating : InputInterface
- _isHolding : InputInterface
- _lastAction : InputInterface
- _lastDebounceTime : InputInterface
- _logger : AtFinder, CallbackInterface, Configurator, DisplayInterface, DisplayManager, InputInterface, InputManager, Screen, ScreenManager, ScreenRow
- _maxColumn : DisplayInterface
- _maxRow : DisplayInterface
- _maxTextLength : AtFinder
- _needsDisplay : InputInterface
- _needsRedraw : DisplayInterface, ScreenRow
- _next : DisplayInterface, Screen, ScreenRow
- _nextDisplayId : DisplayManager
- _outputStream : Logger
- _pauseDisplayUpdates : Controller
- _pauseDisplayUpdatesUntil : Controller
- _rawAction : MockButtonInput
- _rotation : DisplayInterface
- _screenHeight : MockTouchScreenInput
- _screenId : DisplayInterface, Screen
- _screenManager : Configurator, Controller
- _screenRowId : ScreenRow
- _screenWidth : MockTouchScreenInput
- _text : AtFinder, ScreenRow
- _textColour : DisplayInterface
- _textSize : DisplayInterface
- _tft : TFT_eSPIDisplay, TFT_eSPITouch
- _tftInitialised : TFT_eSPIDisplay
- _touchX : MockTouchScreenInput
- _touchY : MockTouchScreenInput
- a -
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- c -
- callback : AtFinderLoggerIntegrationTests, AtFinderTests, DebounceHoldInputTests, InputInterfaceTests, TouchScreenInputTests
- colourSet : RowAttributes
- commandStation : ControllerDisplayUpdateTests, ControllerInputActionTests, ControllerScreenCreation, ControllerTests
- console : ControllerDisplayUpdateTests, ControllerInputActionTests, ControllerScreenCreation, ControllerTests
- controller : ControllerDisplayUpdateTests, ControllerInputActionTests, ControllerScreenCreation
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