.. include:: /include/include.rst .. include:: /include/include-l0.rst .. include:: /include/include-description.rst |donate-button| ************************ DCC-EX Model Railroading ************************ .. grid:: 1 1 1 2 :gutter: 2 :margin: 0 :padding: 1 .. grid-item-card:: :columns: 12 12 12 8 :class-card: sd-shadow-md sd-rounded-3 sd-width-auto |DCC-EX| is a team of dedicated enthusiasts producing open source *DCC & DC solutions* for you to run your complete model railroad layout. Our easy to use, do-it-yourself, and free open source products run on off-the-shelf Arduino technology and are supported by numerous third party hardware and apps like |JMRI|, |Engine Driver|, |WiThrottle|, Rocrail and more. .. grid-item-card:: :columns: 12 12 12 4 :class-card: sd-shadow-md sd-rounded-3 sd-width-auto sd-text-center EX-CommandStation Releases ^^^ .. rst-class:: dcclink :dcc-ex-text-size-60pct:`Automated:` :ref:`EX-Installer ` :dcc-ex-text-size-60pct:`Manual:` :ref:`Prod ` , :ref:`Devel ` .. grid-item-card:: :columns: 12 12 12 7 :class-card: sd-shadow-md sd-rounded-3 sd-width-auto If you are just starting with |DCC-EX| then the sections below are intended to help you understand how our products might suit your needs. We've curated this guidance based on feedback from our users: - :ref:`begin/what-to-know:what is dcc and dcc-ex?` - :ref:`begin/what-to-know:dcc-ex does dc as well` - :ref:`I'm interested in DCC but have a limited budget ` - :ref:`I just want to run DCC trains ` - :ref:`I want to operate my turnout/points & run DCC trains ` - :ref:`I want to control accessories & run DCC trains ` - :ref:`begin/what-to-know:i want some extra automated/animated realism` - :ref:`begin/what-to-know:i want a fully automated exhibition layout for my club` - :doc:`/begin/comparison` If these haven't helped, or you've read them and you are still unsure, then feel free to contact us, preferably through our Discord server where you can chat directly with our team members. Details of this and other contact methods on our :doc:`/support/contact-us` page. .. grid-item-card:: :columns: 12 12 12 5 :class-card: sd-shadow-md sd-rounded-3 sd-width-auto :img-top: /_static/images/logos/product-logo-news-cropped.png .. postlist:: 2 :format: {date} - {title} :date: %d %b %Y :list-style: none :excerpts: :expand: Continue reading... Read the full DCC-EX News feed `here `_. :dcc-ex-text-size-80pct:`RSS/Atom feed - Subscribe with "https://dcc-ex.com/news/atom.xml"`. .. grid-item-card:: :columns: 12 :class-card: sd-shadow-md sd-rounded-3 sd-width-auto Where to next? ^^^ It is important to understand that different |DCC-EX| products, and options within those products are targeted at different levels of users, from those who don't know anything about electronics or software, through to those with a lot of knowledge and experience. We have tagged the pages to help you understand who they are aimed at. The :doc:`/begin/levels` page explains those levels. Keep an eye out on our pages to see at which level of experience our documentation is aimed at. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 4 begin/what-to-know begin/levels .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 4 :caption: Products ex-commandstation/index ex-installer/index ex-webthrottle/index EX-MotorShield8874 EX-WiFiSheild-8266 ex-dccinspector/index ex-toolbox/index .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 4 :caption: EX-CommandStation Add-Ons ex-rail/index trackmanager/index ex-turntable/index ex-ioexpander/index ex-fastclock/index .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 4 :caption: Support & Info support/index throttles/index big-picture/index .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 4 :caption: Downloads download/index .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 4 :caption: Purchasing & Merchandise purchasing/dealers reference/accessories/index merchandise/index .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 4 :caption: Detailed Information reference/index under-development/index projects/index .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 4 :caption: External References external-references/index .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 4 :caption: The DCC-EX Project About Us and the Project about/index-contributing