class Consist
- #include <DCCEXLoco.h>
Class to create a software consist of one or more ConsistLoco objects.
Public Functions
void setName(const char *name)
Set consist name.
- Parameters:
name – Name to set for the consist
const char *getName()
Get consist name.
- Returns:
Current name of the consist
void addLoco(Loco *loco, Facing facing)
Add a loco to the consist using a Loco object.
- Parameters:
loco – Pointer to a loco object
facing – Direction the loco is facing (FacingForward|FacingReversed)
void addLoco(int address, Facing facing)
Add a loco to the consist using a DCC address.
- Parameters:
address – DCC address of the loco to add
facing – Direction the loco is facing (FacingForward|FacingReversed)
void removeLoco(Loco *loco)
Remove a loco from the consist - Loco objects with LocoSourceEntry will also be deleted.
- Parameters:
loco – Pointer to a loco object to remove
void removeAllLocos()
Remove all locos from a consist - Loco objects with LocoSourceEntry will also be deleted.
void setLocoFacing(Loco *loco, Facing facing)
Update the direction of a loco in the consist.
- Parameters:
loco – Pointer to the loco object to update
facing – Direction to set it to (FacingForward|FacingReversed)
int getLocoCount()
Get the count of locos in the consist.
- Returns:
Count of locos
bool inConsist(Loco *loco)
Check if the provided loco is in the consist.
- Parameters:
loco – Pointer to the loco object to check
- Returns:
bool inConsist(int address)
Check if the loco with the provided address is in the consist.
- Parameters:
address – DCC address of loco to check
- Returns:
int getSpeed()
Get consist speed - obtained from first linked loco.
- Returns:
Current speed (0 - 126)
Direction getDirection()
Get consist direction - obtained from first linked loco.
- Returns:
Current direction (Forward|Reverse)
ConsistLoco *getFirst()
Get the first loco in the consist.
- Returns:
Pointer to the first ConsistLoco object
ConsistLoco *getByAddress(int address)
Get the loco in the consist with the specified address.
- Parameters:
address – DCC address of loco to retrieve
- Returns:
Pointer to the first ConsistLoco object
Private Functions
void _addLocoToConsist(ConsistLoco *consistLoco)
class ConsistLoco
- #include <DCCEXLoco.h>
Class to add an additional attribute to a Loco object to specify the direction it is facing in a consist.
Public Functions
ConsistLoco(Loco *loco, Facing facing)
- Parameters:
loco – Pointer to the Loco object to add
facing – Direction loco is facing in the consist (FacingForward|FacingReversed)
Loco *getLoco()
Get the associated Loco object for this consist entry.
- Returns:
Pointer to the Loco object
void setFacing(Facing facing)
Set which way the loco is facing in the consist (FacingForward, FacingReversed)
- Parameters:
facing – FacingForward|FacingReversed
Facing getFacing()
Get which way the loco is facing in the consist (FacingForward, FacingReversed)
- Returns:
ConsistLoco *getNext()
Get the next consist loco object.
- Returns:
Pointer to the next ConsistLoco object
void setNext(ConsistLoco *consistLoco)
Set the next consist loco object.
- Parameters:
consistLoco – Pointer to the ConsistLoco object
Destructor for a ConsistLoco.
- friend class Consist
ConsistLoco(Loco *loco, Facing facing)
class DCCEXInbound
- #include <DCCEXInbound.h>
Inbound DCC-EX command parser class to parse commands and provide interpreted parameters.
Public Static Functions
static void setup(int16_t maxParameterValues)
Setup parser once with enough space to handle the maximum number of parameters expected from the command station.
- Parameters:
maxParameterValues – Maximum parameter values to accommodate
static void cleanup()
Cleanup parser.
static bool parse(char *command)
Pass in a command string to parse.
- Parameters:
command – Char array of command to parse
- Returns:
True if parsed ok, false if badly terminated command or too many parameters
static byte getOpcode()
Gets the DCC-EX OPCODE of the parsed command (the first char after the <)
static int16_t getParameterCount()
Gets number of parameters detected after OPCODE <JR 1 2 3> is 4 parameters!
- Returns:
Number of parameters
static int32_t getNumber(int16_t parameterNumber)
Gets a numeric parameter (or hashed keyword) from parsed command.
- Returns:
The numeric parameter
static bool isTextParameter(int16_t parameterNumber)
Checks if a parameter is actually text rather than numeric.
- Parameters:
parameterNumber – The number of the parameter to check
- Returns:
static char *getTextParameter(int16_t parameterNumber)
Gets address of text type parameter. does not create permanent copy.
- Parameters:
parameterNumber – The number of the parameter to retrieve
- Returns:
Char array of text (use once and discard)
static char *copyTextParameter(int16_t parameterNumber)
gets address of a heap copy of text type parameter.
- Parameters:
parameterNumber –
- Returns:
static void dump(Print*)
dump list of parameters obtained
- Parameters:
out – Address of output e.g. &Serial
Private Static Functions
static bool _isTextInternal(int16_t n)
static void setup(int16_t maxParameterValues)
class DCCEXProtocol
- #include <DCCEXProtocol.h>
Main class for the DCCEXProtocol library.
Public Functions
DCCEXProtocol(int maxCmdBuffer = 500, int maxCommandParams = 50)
Constructor for the DCCEXProtocol object.
- Parameters:
maxCmdBuffer – Optional - maximum number of bytes for the command buffer (default 500)
maxCommandParams – Optional - maximum number of parameters to parse via the DCCEXInbound parser (default 50)
Destructor for the DCCEXProtocol object.
void setDelegate(DCCEXProtocolDelegate *delegate)
Set the delegate object for callbacks.
- Parameters:
delegate –
void setLogStream(Stream *console)
Set the stream object for console output.
- Parameters:
console –
void enableHeartbeat(unsigned long heartbeatDelay = 60000)
Enable heartbeat if required - can help WiFi connections that drop out.
- Parameters:
heartbeatDelay – Time in milliseconds between heartbeats - defaults to one minute (60000ms)
void connect(Stream *stream)
Connect the stream object to interact with DCC-EX.
- Parameters:
stream –
void disconnect()
Disconnect from DCC-EX.
void check()
Check for incoming DCC-EX broadcasts/responses and parse them.
void sendCommand(char *cmd)
allows sending of an arbitray command
- Parameters:
cmd – Command to send
void getLists(bool rosterRequired, bool turnoutListRequired, bool routeListRequired, bool turntableListRequired)
Request DCC-EX object lists (Roster, Turnouts, Routes, Turntables)
- Parameters:
rosterRequired – Request the roster list (true|false)
turnoutListRequired – Request the turnout list (true|false)
routeListRequired – Request the route list (true|false)
turntableListRequired – Request the turntable list (true|false)
bool receivedLists()
Check if all lists have been received (roster, routes, turnouts, turntables)
- Returns:
void requestServerVersion()
Request server version information.
bool receivedVersion()
Check if server version has been received.
- Returns:
int getMajorVersion()
Retrieve the major version of EX-CommandStation.
- Returns:
Major version number eg. 5.y.z
int getMinorVersion()
Retrieve the minor version of EX-Commandstation.
- Returns:
Minor version number eg. x.0.z
int getPatchVersion()
Retreive the patch version of EX-CommandStation.
- Returns:
Patch version number eg. x.y.7
unsigned long getLastServerResponseTime()
Retrieve the last time the server responded.
- Returns:
Last response time in milliseconds (from millis())
void clearAllLists()
Clear roster, turnout, turntable, and route lists.
void refreshAllLists()
Clear roster, turnout, turntable, and route lists and request new ones.
void setThrottle(Loco *loco, int speed, Direction direction)
Set the provided loco to the specified speed and direction.
- Parameters:
loco – Pointer to a Loco object
speed – Speed (0 - 126)
direction – Direction (Forward|Reverse)
void setThrottle(Consist *consist, int speed, Direction direction)
Set all locos in the provided consist to the specified speed and direction.
- Parameters:
consist – Pointer to a consist object
speed – Speed (0 - 126)
direction – Direction (Forward|Reverse) - reverse facing locos will be adjusted automatically
void functionOn(Loco *loco, int function)
Turn the specified function on for the provided loco.
- Parameters:
loco – Pointer to a loco object
function – Function number (0 - 27)
void functionOff(Loco *loco, int function)
Turn the specified function off for the provided loco.
- Parameters:
loco – Pointer to a loco object
function – Function number (0 - 27)
bool isFunctionOn(Loco *loco, int function)
Test if the specified function for the provided loco is on.
- Parameters:
loco – Pointer to a loco object
function – Function number to test (0 - 27)
- Returns:
true = on, false = off
void functionOn(Consist *consist, int function)
Turn the specified function on for the provided consist.
- Parameters:
consist – Pointer to a consist object
function – Function number (0 - 27)
void functionOff(Consist *consist, int function)
Turn the specified function off for the provided consist.
- Parameters:
consist – Pointer to a consist object
function – Function number (0 - 27)
bool isFunctionOn(Consist *consist, int function)
Test if the specified function for the provided consist is on (Checks first loco)
- Parameters:
consist – Pointer to a consist object
function – Function number to test (0 - 27)
- Returns:
true = on, false = off
void requestLocoUpdate(int address)
Explicitly request an update for the specified loco.
- Parameters:
address – DCC address of the loco
void readLoco()
Initiate reading a loco address from the programming track, response will be a delegate notification.
void emergencyStop()
Initiate an emergency stop.
int getRosterCount()
Get the number of roster entries.
- Returns:
Number of roster entries received
bool receivedRoster()
Check if roster has been received.
- Returns:
Loco *findLocoInRoster(int address)
Search for the specified DCC address in the roster.
- Parameters:
address – DCC address to search for
- Returns:
Pointer to the Loco object
void clearRoster()
Clear the roster.
void refreshRoster()
Clear the roster and request again.
int getTurnoutCount()
Get the number of turnouts.
- Returns:
Number of turnouts received
bool receivedTurnoutList()
Check if turnout list has been received.
- Returns:
Turnout *getTurnoutById(int turnoutId)
Retrieve a turnout/point object by its ID.
- Parameters:
turnoutId – ID of the turnout/point
- Returns:
The turnout/point object
void closeTurnout(int turnoutId)
Close the specified turnout/point.
- Parameters:
turnoutId – ID of the turnout/point
void throwTurnout(int turnoutId)
Throw the specified turnout/point.
- Parameters:
turnoutId – ID of the turnout/point
void toggleTurnout(int turnoutId)
Toggle the specified turnout/point (if closed, will throw, and vice versa)
- Parameters:
turnoutId – ID of the turnout/point
void clearTurnoutList()
Clear the list of turnouts.
void refreshTurnoutList()
Clear the list of turnouts and request again.
int getRouteCount()
Get the number of route entries.
- Returns:
Number of routes received
bool receivedRouteList()
Check if route list has been received.
- Returns:
void startRoute(int routeId)
Start a route/automation.
- Parameters:
routeId – ID of the route/automation to start
void handOffLoco(int locoAddress, int automationId)
Hand off a Loco to an Automation - note you must retrieve the ROUTE list to use this.
- Parameters:
locoAddress – DCC address of the Loco to hand off
automationId – ID of the automation to start, must be RouteType::RouteTypeAutomation
void pauseRoutes()
Pause all routes/automations.
void resumeRoutes()
Resume all routes/automations.
void clearRouteList()
Clear all routes.
void refreshRouteList()
Clear all routes and request a new list.
int getTurntableCount()
Get the number of turntable entries.
- Returns:
Number of turntables received
bool receivedTurntableList()
Check if turntable list has been received.
- Returns:
Turntable *getTurntableById(int turntableId)
Retrieve a turntable object by its ID.
- Parameters:
turntableId – ID of the turntable
- Returns:
The turntable object
void rotateTurntable(int turntableId, int position, int activity = 0)
Rotate a turntable object.
- Parameters:
turntableId – ID of the turntable
position – Position index to rotate to
activity – Optional activity for EX-Turntable objects only
void clearTurntableList()
Clear all turntables.
void refreshTurntableList()
Clear all turntables and request a new list.
void powerOn()
Global track power on command.
void powerOff()
Global track power off command.
void powerMainOn()
Main track power on command.
void powerMainOff()
Main track power off command.
void powerProgOn()
Prog track power on command.
void powerProgOff()
Prog track power off command.
void joinProg()
Join Prog track to Main.
void powerTrackOn(char track)
Turn power on for the specified track.
- Parameters:
track – Track name (A - H)
void powerTrackOff(char track)
Turn power off for the specified track.
- Parameters:
track – Track name (A - H)
void setTrackType(char track, TrackManagerMode type, int address)
set track type for the specified track
- Parameters:
track – Track name (A - H)
type – Track type (MAIN, PROG, DC, DCX, NONE)
address – dcc address for DC and DCX (Required, but ignored if not DC or DCX)
void activateAccessory(int accessoryAddress, int accessorySubAddr)
Activate DCC accessory at the specified address and subaddress.
- Parameters:
accessoryAddress – Address of the DCC accessory
accessorySubAddr – Subaddress of the DCC accessory
void deactivateAccessory(int accessoryAddress, int accessorySubAddr)
Deactivate DCC accessory at the specified address and subaddress.
- Parameters:
accessoryAddress – Address of the DCC accessory
accessorySubAddr – Subaddress of the DCC accessory
void activateLinearAccessory(int linearAddress)
Activate DCC accessory at the specified linear address.
- Parameters:
linearAddress – Linear address of the DCC accessory
void deactivateLinearAccessory(int linearAddress)
Deactivate DCC accessory at the specified linear address.
- Parameters:
linearAddress – Linear address of the DCC accessory
void getNumberSupportedLocos()
Request the number of supported cabs(locos)
void readCV(int cv)
Read the value of the provided CV from the Loco on the programming track.
- Parameters:
cv – CV number to read the value of
void validateCV(int cv, int value)
Validate the provided value is stored in the provided CV.
- Parameters:
cv – CV number to validate the value of
value – Value to validate
void validateCVBit(int cv, int bit, int value)
Validate the provided bit is set to the specified value for the provided CV.
- Parameters:
cv – CV number to validate the bit of
bit – Bit for the CV to validate
value – Value to validate (0|1)
void writeLocoAddress(int address)
Write Loco address to the Loco on the programming track.
- Parameters:
address – DCC address to write
void writeCV(int cv, int value)
Write the provided value to the specified CV on the programming track.
- Parameters:
cv – CV number to write to
value – Value to write to the CV
void writeCVBit(int cv, int bit, int value)
Write the provided value to the specified bit and CV on the programming track. Note that the response is in legacy DCC++ formatting and is not supported by the DCCEXInbound parser. Therefore, the throttle will not receive a response. We suggest writing full CVs.
- Parameters:
cv – CV number to write to
bit – Bit for the CV to write
value – Value to write (0|1)
Public Members
Private Functions
void _init()
void _sendCommand()
void _processCommand()
void _processServerDescription()
void _processMessage()
void _processScreenUpdate()
void _sendHeartbeat()
void _processLocoBroadcast()
int _getValidFunctionMap(int functionMap)
int _getSpeedFromSpeedByte(int speedByte)
void _processReadResponse()
void _getRoster()
bool _requestedRoster()
void _processRosterList()
void _requestRosterEntry(int address)
void _processRosterEntry()
void _getTurnouts()
bool _requestedTurnouts()
void _processTurnoutList()
void _requestTurnoutEntry(int id)
void _processTurnoutEntry()
void _processTurnoutBroadcast()
void _getRoutes()
bool _requestedRoutes()
void _processRouteList()
void _requestRouteEntry(int id)
void _processRouteEntry()
void _getTurntables()
bool _requestedTurntables()
void _processTurntableList()
void _requestTurntableEntry(int id)
void _processTurntableEntry()
void _requestTurntableIndexEntry(int id)
void _processTurntableIndexEntry()
void _processTurntableBroadcast()
void _processTrackPower()
void _processTrackType()
void _processValidateCVResponse()
void _processValidateCVBitResponse()
void _processWriteLocoResponse()
void _processWriteCVResponse()
Private Members
int _rosterCount = 0
int _turnoutCount = 0
int _routeCount = 0
int _turntableCount = 0
int _version[3] = {}
Stream *_stream
Stream *_console
NullStream _nullStream
int _bufflen
int _maxCmdBuffer
char *_cmdBuffer
char _outboundCommand[MAX_OUTBOUND_COMMAND_LENGTH]
DCCEXProtocolDelegate *_delegate = nullptr
unsigned long _lastServerResponseTime
char _inputBuffer[512]
int _nextChar
bool _receivedVersion = false
bool _receivedLists = false
bool _rosterRequested = false
bool _receivedRoster = false
bool _turnoutListRequested = false
bool _receivedTurnoutList = false
bool _routeListRequested = false
bool _receivedRouteList = false
bool _turntableListRequested = false
bool _receivedTurntableList = false
bool _enableHeartbeat
unsigned long _heartbeatDelay
unsigned long _lastHeartbeat
DCCEXProtocol(int maxCmdBuffer = 500, int maxCommandParams = 50)
class DCCEXProtocolDelegate
- #include <DCCEXProtocol.h>
Delegate responses and broadcast events to the client software to enable custom event handlers.
Public Functions
inline virtual void receivedServerVersion(int major, int minor, int patch)
Notify when the server version has been received.
- Parameters:
major – Major version of EX-CommandStation (eg. 5.0.7 returns 5)
minor – Minor version of EX-CommandStation (eg. 5.0.7 returns 0)
patch – Patch version of EX-CommandStation (eg. 5.0.7 returns 7)
inline virtual void receivedMessage(char *message)
Notify when a broadcast message has been received.
- Parameters:
message – message that has been broadcast
inline virtual void receivedRosterList()
Notify when the roster list is received.
inline virtual void receivedTurnoutList()
Notify when the turnout list is received.
inline virtual void receivedRouteList()
Notify when the route list is received.
inline virtual void receivedTurntableList()
Notify when the turntable list is received.
inline virtual void receivedLocoUpdate(Loco *loco)
Notify when an update to a Loco object is received.
- Parameters:
loco – Pointer to the loco object
inline virtual void receivedLocoBroadcast(int address, int speed, Direction direction, int functionMap)
Notify when a Loco broadcast has been received - suitable for non-roster locos.
- Parameters:
address – DCC address of the loco
speed – Speed as derived from the speed byte
direction – Direction as derived from the speed byte
functionMap – Function map
inline virtual void receivedTrackPower(TrackPower state)
Notify when the global track power state change is received.
- Parameters:
state – Power state received (PowerOff|PowerOn|PowerUnknown)
inline virtual void receivedIndividualTrackPower(TrackPower state, int track)
Notify when an individual track power state change is received.
- Parameters:
state – Power state received (PowerOff|PowerOn|PowerUnknown)
track – which track changed 65=A..72=H | 2698315=MAIN | 2788330=PROG | 2183=DC | 71999=DCX
inline virtual void receivedTrackType(char track, TrackManagerMode type, int address)
Notify when a track type change is received.
- Parameters:
track – track that changed
type – type received (MAIN|PROG|DC|DCX|NONE)
address – address received for DC and DCX (zero if other types)
inline virtual void receivedTurnoutAction(int turnoutId, bool thrown)
Notify when a turnout state change is received.
- Parameters:
turnoutId – ID of the turnout
thrown – Wether it is thrown or not (true|false)
inline virtual void receivedTurntableAction(int turntableId, int position, bool moving)
Notify when a turntable index change is received.
- Parameters:
turntableId – ID of the turntable
position – Index of the position it is moving (or has moved) to
moving – Whether it is moving or not (true|false)
inline virtual void receivedReadLoco(int address)
Notify when a loco address is read from the programming track.
- Parameters:
address – DCC address read from the programming track, or -1 for a failure to read
inline virtual void receivedValidateCV(int cv, int value)
Notify when a CV is read or validated from the programming track.
- Parameters:
cv – CV the value has been read from
value – Value read from the CV, or -1 for a failure to read
inline virtual void receivedValidateCVBit(int cv, int bit, int value)
Notify when a CV bit is validated from the programming track.
- Parameters:
cv – CV the bit is being validated in
bit – Bit of the CV being validated
value – Value validated from the bit, or -1 if not valid
inline virtual void receivedWriteLoco(int address)
Notify when a Loco address has been written on the programming track.
- Parameters:
address – DCC address written to the loco, or -1 for a failure to write
inline virtual void receivedWriteCV(int cv, int value)
Notify when a CV is written on the programming track.
- Parameters:
cv – CV being written to
value – Value written, or -1 for failure
inline virtual void receivedScreenUpdate(int screen, int row, char *message)
Notify when a screen update is received.
- Parameters:
screen – Screen number
row – Row number
message – Message to display on the screen/row
inline virtual void receivedServerVersion(int major, int minor, int patch)
class Loco
- #include <DCCEXLoco.h>
Class for a Loco object representing a DCC addressed locomotive.
Public Functions
Loco(int address, LocoSource source)
- Parameters:
address – DCC address of loco
source – LocoSourceRoster (from roster) or LocoSourceEntry (from user input)
int getAddress()
Get loco address.
- Returns:
DCC address of loco
void setName(const char *name)
Set loco name.
- Parameters:
name – Name of the loco
const char *getName()
Get loco name.
- Returns:
Name of the loco
void setSpeed(int speed)
Set loco speed.
- Parameters:
speed – Valid speed (0 - 126)
int getSpeed()
Get loco speed.
- Returns:
Speed (0 - 126)
void setDirection(Direction direction)
Set loco direction (enums Forward, Reverse)
- Parameters:
direction – Direction to set (Forward|Reverse)
Direction getDirection()
Get loco direction (enums Forward, Reverse)
- Returns:
Current direction (Forward|Reverse)
LocoSource getSource()
Get loco source (enums LocoSourceRoster, LocoSourceEntry)
- Returns:
Source of loco (LocoSourceRoster|LocoSourceEntry)
void setupFunctions(const char *functionNames)
Setup functions for the loco.
- Parameters:
functionNames – Char array of function names
bool isFunctionOn(int function)
Test if function is on.
- Parameters:
function – Number of the function to test
- Returns:
void setFunctionStates(int functionStates)
Set function states.
- Parameters:
functionStates – Integer representing all function states
int getFunctionStates()
Get function states.
- Returns:
Integer representing current function states
const char *getFunctionName(int function)
Get the name/label for a function.
- Parameters:
function – Number of the function to return the name/label of
- Returns:
char* representing the function name/label
bool isFunctionMomentary(int function)
Get the name/label for a function.
- Parameters:
function – Number of the function to return the name/label of
- Returns:
char* representing the function name/label
Public Static Functions
static Loco *getByAddress(int address)
Get Loco object by its DCC address.
- Parameters:
address – DCC address of the loco to get
- Returns:
Loco object or nullptr if it doesn’t exist
static void clearRoster()
Clear all Locos from the roster.
Private Members
int _address
char *_name
int _speed
LocoSource _source
char *_functionNames[MAX_FUNCTIONS]
int32_t _functionStates
int32_t _momentaryFlags
Private Static Functions
- friend class Consist
Loco(int address, LocoSource source)
class NullStream : public Stream
- #include <DCCEXProtocol.h>
Nullstream class for initial DCCEXProtocol instantiation to direct streams to nothing.
Public Functions
inline NullStream()
Constructor for the NullStream object.
inline int available()
Dummy availability check.
- Returns:
Returns false (0) always
inline void flush()
Dummy flush method.
inline int peek()
Dummy peek method.
- Returns:
Returns -1 always
inline int read()
Dummy read method.
- Returns:
Returns -1 always
inline size_t write(uint8_t c)
Dummy write method for single int.
- Parameters:
c – Number received
- Returns:
Returns 1 always
inline size_t write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
Dummy write method for buffered input.
- Parameters:
buffer – Buffer received
size – Size of buffer
- Returns:
Returns size of buffer always
inline NullStream()
class Route
- #include <DCCEXRoutes.h>
Class to contain and maintain the various Route attributes and methods.
Public Functions
int getId()
Get route ID.
- Returns:
ID of the route
void setName(const char *name)
Set route name.
- Parameters:
name – Name to set for the route
const char *getName()
Get route name.
- Returns:
Current name of the route
void setType(RouteType type)
Set route type (A automation, R route)
- Parameters:
type – RouteType - RouteTypeAutomation|RouteTypeRoute
RouteType getType()
Get route type (A automation, R route)
- Returns:
void setNext(Route *route)
Set the next route in the list.
- Parameters:
route – Pointer to the next route
Destructor for a route.
Public Static Functions
static Route *getById(int id)
Get route object by its ID.
- Returns:
Pointer to the Route, or nullptr if not found
static void clearRouteList()
Clear the list of routes.
Private Functions
int getId()
class Turnout
- #include <DCCEXTurnouts.h>
Class to contain and maintain the various Turnout/Point attributes and methods.
Public Functions
Turnout(int id, bool thrown)
Constructor for a Turnout object.
- Parameters:
id – Turnout ID
thrown – true (thrown)|false (closed)
void setThrown(bool thrown)
Set thrown state (true thrown, false closed)
- Parameters:
thrown – true|false
void setName(const char *_name)
Set turnout name.
- Parameters:
_name – Name to set the turnout
int getId()
Get turnout Id.
- Returns:
ID of the turnout
const char *getName()
Get turnout name.
- Returns:
Current name of the turnout
bool getThrown()
Get thrown state (true thrown, false closed)
- Returns:
Public Static Functions
static Turnout *getById(int id)
Get turnout object by turnout ID.
- Parameters:
id – ID of the turnout to retrieve
- Returns:
Pointer to the turnout object or nullptr if not found
static void clearTurnoutList()
Clear the list of turnouts.
Private Functions
Turnout(int id, bool thrown)
class Turntable
- #include <DCCEXTurntables.h>
Class to contain and maintain the various Turntable attributes and methods.
Public Functions
Turntable(int id)
- Parameters:
id – ID of the turntable
int getId()
Get turntable ID.
- Returns:
ID of the turntable
void setType(TurntableType type)
Set turntable type.
- Parameters:
type – TurntableTypeDCC|TurntableTypeEXTT|TurntableTypeUnknown
TurntableType getType()
Get turntable type.
- Returns:
void setIndex(int index)
Set the current index for the turntable.
- Parameters:
index – ID of the index to set
int getIndex()
Get the current index for the turntable.
- Returns:
ID of the current index
void setNumberOfIndexes(int numberOfIndexes)
Set the number of indexes the turntable has defined (from the <JT id> command response)
- Parameters:
numberOfIndexes – Count of the indexes defined for the turntable including home
int getNumberOfIndexes()
Get the number of indexes defined for the turntable.
- Returns:
Count of the indexes defined
void setName(const char *name)
Set the turntable name.
- Parameters:
name – Name to set for the turntable
const char *getName()
Get the turntable name.
- Returns:
Current name of the turntable
void setMoving(bool moving)
Set the movement state (false stationary, true moving)
- Parameters:
moving – true|false
bool isMoving()
Get movement state (false stationary, true moving)
- Returns:
int getIndexCount()
Get the count of indexes added to the index list (counted from the <JP id> command response)
- Returns:
Count of indexes received for this turntable including home
void setNext(Turntable *turntable)
Set the next turntable in the list.
- Parameters:
turntable – Pointer to the next turntable
void addIndex(TurntableIndex *index)
Add a turntable index object to the index list for this turntable.
- Parameters:
index – TurntableIndex object to add
TurntableIndex *getFirstIndex()
Get the first associated turntable index.
- Returns:
Pointer to the first associated TurntableIndex object
TurntableIndex *getIndexById(int id)
Get TurntableIndex object by its ID.
- Parameters:
id – ID of the index to retrieve
- Returns:
Pointer to the TurntableIndex object or nullptr if not found
Destructor for a turntable.
Public Static Functions
static Turntable *getFirst()
Get the first turntable object.
- Returns:
Pointer to the first Turntable object
static Turntable *getById(int id)
Get a turntable object by its ID.
- Parameters:
id – ID of the turntable to retrieve
- Returns:
Pointer to the Turntable object or nullptr if not found
static void clearTurntableList()
Clear the list of turntables.
Private Functions
Private Members
int _id
TurntableType _type
int _index
int _numberOfIndexes
char *_name
bool _isMoving
int _indexCount
TurntableIndex *_firstIndex
Turntable(int id)
class TurntableIndex
- #include <DCCEXTurntables.h>
Class to contain and maintain the various Turntable Index attributes and methods associated with a Turntable.
Public Functions
TurntableIndex(int ttId, int id, int angle, const char *name)
- Parameters:
ttId – ID of the turntable the index is associated with
id – ID of the index
angle – Angle from home for this index (0 - 3600)
name – Name of the index
int getTTId()
Get the turntable ID.
- Returns:
ID of the turntable this index is associated with
int getId()
Get index ID (0 is always home)
- Returns:
ID of this index
int getAngle()
Get angle of the index from home.
- Returns:
Angle of this index from home (0 - 3600)
const char *getName()
Get index name.
- Returns:
Current name of the index
TurntableIndex *getNextIndex()
Get next TurntableIndex object.
- Returns:
Pointer to the next TurntableIndex object
Destructor for an index.
- friend class Turntable
TurntableIndex(int ttId, int id, int angle, const char *name)
- file DCCEXInbound.cpp
- #include “DCCEXInbound.h”#include <Arduino.h>
- file DCCEXInbound.h
- #include <Arduino.h>
- file DCCEXLoco.cpp
- #include “DCCEXLoco.h”#include <Arduino.h>
- file DCCEXLoco.h
- #include <Arduino.h>
- file DCCEXProtocol.cpp
- #include “DCCEXProtocol.h”
- file DCCEXProtocol.h
- #include “DCCEXInbound.h”#include “DCCEXLoco.h”#include “DCCEXRoutes.h”#include “DCCEXTurnouts.h”#include “DCCEXTurntables.h”#include <Arduino.h>
- file DCCEXRoutes.cpp
- #include “DCCEXRoutes.h”#include <Arduino.h>
- file DCCEXRoutes.h
- #include <Arduino.h>
- file DCCEXTurnouts.cpp
- #include “DCCEXTurnouts.h”#include <Arduino.h>
- file DCCEXTurnouts.h
- #include <Arduino.h>
- file DCCEXTurntables.cpp
- #include “DCCEXTurntables.h”#include <Arduino.h>
- file DCCEXTurntables.h
- #include <Arduino.h>
- dir /home/runner/work/DCCEXProtocol/DCCEXProtocol/src