Documentation for the DCC-EX Native command protocol library - DCCEXProtocol

DCC-EX Native command protocol library

This library implements the DCC-EX native command protocol (as used in the DCC-EX EX‑CommandStation ONLY), allowing a device to connect to the server and act as a client (such as a hardware based throttle).

The implementation of this library is tested on ESP32 based devices running the Arduino framework. There’s nothing in here that’s specific to the ESP32, and little of Arduino that couldn’t be replaced as needed.

There has also been limited testing on STM32F103C8 Bluepill with a serial connection.


The delegate and connection code in this library is taken directly from the WiThrottle library by Copyright © 2018-2019 Blue Knobby Systems Inc. The rest of the code has been developed by Peter Cole (peteGSX), Peter Akers (Flash62au) and Chris Harlow (UKBloke).