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Lets Get Started + Our Products

This page goes through some introductory information about our team and our products. It also explores some common scenarios and answers some common questions.

Please read on, or use the index to the right to skip to any topic of interest.

If you are comfortable with differences between DCC & DC and already know a bit about our products, skip on to the next page where we explain how our products, and the pages on this site, are tagged with how simple or complex they are.

What is DCC-EX?

  1. DCC-EX is the name of our team of dedicated enthusiasts producing open source DCC & DC solutions to run your entire model railroad layout.

  2. DCC-EX [1] is also that name that most people associate with our first and most significant product, the EX‑CommandStation [1].

Our Free and Open Source Products

Our Free, Open Source Software

Our free, open source software products currently include:




Our DCC & DC command station software for controlling your model railroad
For a ready-to-run version of the EX-CommandStation see our EX‑CSB1

Our user friendly command station software installer

The built-in scripting language for automating your model railroad




A simple web browser based throttle for your command station

A separate stepper based turntable controller

Use additional microcontrollers to expand I/O port capability




A separate DCC packet sniffing tool

A FastClock to enable time based events

An Android app to help configure your EX-CommandStation


Our DCC & DC command station software for controlling your model railroad.
For a ready-to-run version of the EX-CommandStation see our EX‑CSB1


Our user friendly command station software installer


The built-in scripting language for automating your model railroad


A simple web browser based throttle for your command station


A separate stepper based turntable controller


Use additional microcontrollers to expand I/O port capability


A DCC packet sniffing tool


A FastClock to enable time based events


An Android app to help configure your EX-CommandStation

Our Open Source Hardware

Our open source hardware products currently include:

EX-CSB1 Logo

EX-MotorShield 8874

EX-WiFiShield 8266

Our ready-to-run DCC & DC command station / booster for controlling your model railroad

Our dual 5A output Motor Shield for DIY command stations and adding additional power districts to the EX‑CSB1

Our WiFi add-on board for DIY command stations

EX-CSB1 Logo

Our ready-to-run DCC & DC command station / booster for controlling your model railroad

EX-MotorShield 8874

Our dual 5A output Motor Shield for DIY command stations and adding additional power districts to the EX‑CSB1

EX-WiFiShield 8266

Our WiFi add-on board for DIY command stations

What is EX-CommandStation?

EX‑CommandStation is our flagship product and is explained in great detail elsewhere on the site, but a brief summary would be…

An EX‑CommandStation is a simple, but powerful, DCC and DC Command Station / Base Station which you can purchase ready-to-run or assemble yourself from widely available parts.

Many people call EX‑CommandStation “DCC-EX”. These terms are often used interchangeably, though they are in very fact different.

What is DCC?

For those who have come across our website and don’t really know or understand what Digital Command Control (DCC) is or does, then in a very short summary; DCC is in part a way to control multiple trains (and even accessories) on the same piece of track independently of one another.

With DCC, there is no longer a need for multiple electrically isolated blocks to control multiple trains independently. Each device on your track has its own “address” and commands are sent to only the device you want to control.

To get a more in depth introduction to the DCC standard and protocol, you can read the Wikipedia and DCC Wiki introduction pages.

However, if you just want to know how DCC, and in particular DCC-EX, can help you run your trains while also adding more functionality, control, and realism to your layouts, then continue reading here.

We do DC as well!

For those of you who already have an investment in DC locos and accessories, the EX‑CommandStation can still run your older DC collection! But we hope you will also take a look to see how DCC can open up a world of possibilities for you.

As mentioned, along with DCC, a EX‑CommandStation can be used to control Direct Current (DC) locomotives using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).

This is actually an improvement over pure DC since the full voltage is always applied to the track in pulses. Rather than controlling a voltage from zero to full to control speed, the average time the full voltage is applied controls the speed. This allows for better stops and starts and smoother operation at low speeds.

We do NOT use the flawed “zero stretching” method some command stations use.

More information on using DC PWM can be found on the DCC vs DC PWM page and on the TrackManager page.

DCC-EX is for more than just controlling trains

DCC, and in particular our flagship product EX‑CommandStation, can also be used to control accessories (like turnouts/points, signals, sensors to monitor things, and lineside feature animations, to name a few). EX‑CommandStation is not just about running trains! You can control your entire layout from one command station.

Of course you don’t need to use any of these features if you simply want to run trains without any of the bells and whistles (though we control the bells and whistles too!).

Please read on to understand which of our products and features can help you achieve your “DCC dreams”…

Some Common Scenarios Explored

I just want to run my trains

If you simply want a system to run your DCC or DC trains, then you only need to concern yourself with our EX‑CommandStation software running on our EX-CommandStation/Booster One Express or on a DIY EX-CommandStation.

EX‑CommandStation is our core digital controller product. While it can also do a lot more, you don’t need to know about any other features or capabilities in order to use it to just run trains.

Note that you will need a throttle or controller to connect to the EX‑CommandStation (via serial, WiFi, or Ethernet), but you already have a throttle - your laptop or your phone.

Our EX‑WebThrottle runs on a computer connected to the Command Station via a USB cable. Also, there are several excellent apps, like Engine Driver that are free and can have you up and running in minutes via a WiFi connection.

If physical knobs and buttons are your thing, there are plenty of DIY physical throttles as well as commercial ones like the TCS throttles.

Be sure to begin your walkthrough at the Ready-to-Run or Do-It-Yourself - Choose your Level page which will then guide you through the EX-CommandStation (Ready-to-Run or Do-It-Yourself) documentation and the Throttles (Controllers) section to become familiar with what throttle options are available.

This provides a very cost effective and expandable introduction to DCC train control using inexpensive hardware and our (free) open source EX‑CommandStation software.

I’m interested in DCC but have a limited budget

How does spending only US$60 to US$120 (€54 - €110) sound to get the equivalent of over US$400 (€365) worth of commercial command station capabilities?

We offer our own ready-to-run (RTR) solutions in addition to a do-it-yourself (DIY) path where you snap together a command station yourself. The DCC-EX Team created the EX‑CommandStation / Booster One Express (EX‑CSB1) which is a full USB or WiFi connected Command Station on one board. Just like the commercial products, you can connect a power supply, connect it to your tracks, and you are ready to run trains in seconds. And the EX‑CSB1 is half or less the price of competing systems.

The DCC-EX DIY project is our free and open source software you install onto widely available, inexpensive microcontrollers and components to provide full featured DCC and DC train and accessory control. If at the entry level you are willing to do some learning and minor assembling, you can get into modelling or upgrade your current setup very inexpensively.

You will get more features from our software than you will from many commercial DCC controllers, while saving money with the hardware components that can be purchased at a fraction of the price of commercial systems.

We also have our own EX‑MotorShield8874 to provide more power to DIY setups using Arduino or ESPDuino32 boards or to add power districts to an EX‑CommandStation / Booster One Express. In addition, we offer an EX‑WiFiShield 8874 to add WiFi capability to the DIY option if you choose that route. (The EX‑CSB1 already includes the features of both of these boards)

As we grow, we are creating an entire ecosystem (an EX-osystem if you will) of products that plug together and allow you to control every aspect of your layout including lighting, sensors, points, motors, servos, displays, and more.

About the only things we can’t help you with is your benchwork and ballasting! 😊

You can start by going to the Ready-to-Run or Do-It-Yourself - Choose your Level section and clicking the next button at the bottom of each page to walk through the tutorial in order to understand how to get a basic DCC and/or DC Command Station up and running.

You can also read through the Adding and Controlling Accessories section of our documentation to understand how you can control accessories, and also look through Throttles (Controllers) to see what throttle/controller options are available to control your trains and/or accessories. But be sure to go back to the beginning by starting at Ready-to-Run or Do-It-Yourself - Choose your Level.

I want to operate my turnouts/points and run trains

If you want your turnouts/points to also be controlled by DCC-EX, then this same EX‑CommandStation product has already has this capability built-in.

In addition to what you need to be familiar with for just running trains by beginning at the Ready-to-Run or Do-It-Yourself - Choose your Level section, there is further information available on how to add and control turnouts/points in the Turnouts/points section.

I want to control all my accessories and run trains

Further to just operating turnouts/points, EX‑CommandStation has the capability to control all your other various accessories including signals, turntables (including our own EX‑Turntable), loco and rolling stock lighting, scenic accessories, sensors, and pretty much anything else that can be run on electricity.

This is simply an extension of operating trains and controlling turnouts/points covered above, with further information available in our Adding and Controlling Accessories section. If you click ahead, be sure to come back and start at Ready-to-Run or Do-It-Yourself - Choose your Level.

I want some extra automated/animated realism

To start adding extra realism to your layout, such as controlling signal aspects when turnouts/points are closed or thrown, activating level crossing boom gates and lights as trains approach, or turning street lights off or on according to the time of day, you can use the automation/animation capabilities of EX‑CommandStation which we call EXRAIL.

EXRAIL is an acronym for “EXtended Railroad Automation Instruction Language”, and is an easy and powerful way to create simple to complex animation/automation sequences to control locos, sensors, signals, turnouts/points, and other layout or scenic accessories. EXRAIL’s English based commands and functions are designed for all levels of experience, from novice or non-programmers to experienced users, to have fun in making their layouts come to life.

Anyone can use EXRAIL, and over time we are building out practical examples to demonstrate how you can use this to automate or animate various aspects of your layout. We will also be publishing a series of “recipes” on this website as a sort of building block approach.

In addition to having your EX‑CommandStation up and running, with some sort of throttle or controller (see Throttles (Controllers)) to control your trains, you’ll also need to add some accessories to use with your automation/animation sequences as outlined in Adding and Controlling Accessories.

To make the most of EXRAIL you should read through the EXRAIL Automation & Animation section as well as see the practical examples in The Big Picture.

But don’t forget that to go through everything from the beginning, start at Ready-to-Run or Do-It-Yourself - Choose your Level.

I want a fully automated exhibition layout for my club

Are your club members tired of having to perform repetitive, manual operations during club open days or exhibitions?

To take your demonstration layouts to the next level, spend more time talking to your visitors and potential club members by using EXRAIL to automate your layout.

This can include anything from a simple loop to stop and start trains at stations with automated arrival and departure announcements all the way through to multiple trains running throughout the layout, reserving sections, closing/throwing turnouts/points as required, setting signals, and crossing paths without collisions.

To achieve this level of automation, you’ll need to understand more than just how to get your EX‑CommandStation up and running, and will also need to have a good understanding of the accessories that can be added as outlined in Adding and Controlling Accessories.

As per our automated/animated realism information above, be sure to familiarise yourself with EXRAIL Automation & Animation and The Big Picture. Oh, and don’t forget to back up and start at the beginning with Ready-to-Run or Do-It-Yourself - Choose your Level.

Some Common Questions Answered

How does EX-CommandStation compare to commercial Command Stations

Comparing the EX‑CommandStation to commercial Command Stations can require a bit of reading, but hopefully we can condense that knowledge into on web page.

See Why DCC-EX? - Comparing EX-CommandStation to Commercial Systems for a discussion of the differences between EX‑CommandStation vs the commercial products.

Zero Stretching for DC control

We DO NOT use the flawed “zero stretching” / “zero bit stretching” method some command stations use.

Zero stretching was method introduced in the early days of DCC to make it possible for DC locos to run, poorly, on DCC systems alongside DCC equiped locos on the same track at the same time. It is known to damage certain types of DC motors.

The EX‑CommandStation uses a completely different approach. Any Track outputs can be switched from DCC to DC PWM. Either one type or the other, not both at the same time on the one output. (But different outputs can be different at the same time.)

e.g. Most Motor Boards have two outputs. Both can be DCC, or one DCC and one DC, or both DC.

What is DCC++

DCC++ is the original name of the software developed by Gregg Berman. When this was redeveloped into the EX‑CommandStation software the ‘DCC++’ name hung around though it is largely obsolete. For backwards compatibility with external systems like JMRI, the term is still needed.

See the DCC++ VS DCC-EX? news article for more information.

Next Steps

To learn more about a specific product, click on one of the links above.

For how to buy a ready-to-run (RTR) or build your own do-it-yourself (DIY) EX‑CommandStation station, click ‘Next’ or proceed to the Ex-Command Station Page.