
MiniIBT Motor Driver L6201P (single)

Suitable For Level: Propeller Beanie Engineer Hat


This board is not compatible with TrackManager DC mode.

Found on eBay, Amazon and the Chinese sites, this board uses the L6201P H-Bridge chip and is rated for 5 Amps. With a fan and heat sink, it can handle 3 or 4 Amps at 12-14V. Search for MiniIBT or Wingxine to find it. Be careful to match the picture since there is another board that sometimes comes up in searches.

L6201P Wingxine Motor Driver

Figure 153 L6201P Wingxine Motor Driver

https://www.aliexpress.com/i/32790131503.html https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32722458131.html https://www.aliexpress.com/item/531569334.html

*Dave Bodnar Tested this board*
