DCC-EX Track Manager

TrackManager (DCC & DC)

Suitable For Level: Propeller Beanie Engineer Hat

Welcome to DCC-EX TrackManager

A first for the DCC & DC model railroading world.

EX‑CommandStation is now a dual Command Station for both Digital Command Control (DCC) and analogue (DC) layouts.

With just a single EX‑CommandStation and a compatible throttle you can simultaneously run both your DCC Locos and analogue DC Locos with road number IDs as throttle addresses from 1 to 10239 to control and drive them on multiple separate insulated tracks/districts.

Track Manager Modes

By default the outputs of a Motor Driver are set to DCC. For Motor Drivers with two outputs one will be MAIN and one will be PROG. These, and any additional outputs, can be set to a number of different modes, not just DCC.

Valid Modes are:

  • DCC modes

    • MAIN

    • PROG

    • NONE

  • DC modes


DCX is DC with an opposite polarity like NMRA modular layout track B which is wired left rail positive (+) and right rail negative (-)

DCC Requirements

Nothing special or extra is required for any of the DCC modes.

DC Requirements

To run DC locos with your EX‑CommandStation you will need:

No additional external DCC decoders are required for DC (PWM) track assignments, and a single EX‑CommandStation is the only hardware needed for full functionality.

Note: An additional suggested precaution is to add 4 fuses on wires (-b +b, -a +a) to the EX‑CommandStation connections. Use 2A fuses for the standard L298P motor shield or 5A fuses for the EX‑MotorShield8874 and other the larger motor boards.

Additional Technical Information

If you are interested in the technical details of DC PWM visit our DCC vs DC PWM page.

Changing a Motor Driver Output to a different DCC mode

You can change any output of the Motor Driver either temporarily or permanently (every time the EX‑CommandStation starts).

Temporarily Changing to a Different DCC Mode

There are several ways to temporarily change a Motor Driver Output to a different DCC Mode:

Using Engine Driver or EX-Toolbox

Issuing a command (DCC)

You can issue DCC-EX Native Commands to the EX‑CommandStation to change the output modes with Engine Driver, EX‑Toolbox, EX‑Installer Serial Monitor, EX‑WebThrottle or the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor.

  1. Open the Serial Monitor (or TrackManager page in Engine Driver or EX‑Toolbox)

  2. Issue the following command
    note that in this example I am setting output B to be DCC MAIN.

<= B MAIN>

Note the track power is immediately turn off anytime you change the track mode.

Creating a Route (DCC)

Using a Route will set a specific loco number to be associated with DC output. This is a permanent relationship, in that it will be associated every time you start the EX‑CommandStation.

We will be adding some instructions the myAutomation.h file a re-uploading the Command Station software your EX‑CommandStation.

  1. Re-run the EX‑Installer selecting the options you would normally choose, but of the last page before loading you also select Advanced Config, before clicking the Advanced Config button.

  2. This will take you to the Advanced Configuration page, where you will have two (or possibly more) edit regions. One will be labelled myAutomation.h.

  3. in the myAutomation.h edit region you will need to type or copy the something like the following.

ROUTE(3, "Set Output B to DCC MAIN") // 3 is the sequence identifier  it must be unique
  SET_TRACK(B,MAIN)  // Set Track B to DCC MAIN
  1. Then Load the Command Station software as normal (on the next page)

Note the track power is immediately turn off anytime you change the track mode.

Permanently Changing To a Different DCC Mode

By default the outputs of a Motor Driver are set to DCC. For Motor Drivers with two outputs one will be MAIN and one will be PROG. These, and any additional outputs, can be set to a number of different modes, not just DCC.

You can set any Motor Driver output to be a specific DCC mode every time the EX‑CommandStation starts up. If you wish, at any time you can temporarily change it any DC or DCC mode.

This process is similar to a the ‘Route’ process in the previous section but will happen automatically at start-up rather than when you select the route.

We will be adding some instructions the myAutomation.h file a re-uploading the Command Station software your EX‑CommandStation.

  1. Re-run the EX‑Installer selecting the options you would normally choose, but of the last page before loading you also select Advanced Config, before clicking the Advanced Config button.

  2. This will take you to the Advanced Configuration page, where you will have two (or possibly more) edit regions. One will be labelled myAutomation.h.

  3. in the myAutomation.h edit region you will need to type or copy the something like the following
    note that in this example I am setting output to be DCC MAIN.

  SET_TRACK(B,MAIN)  // Set Track B to DCC MAIN
  1. Then Load the Command Station software as normal (on the next page)

Changing a Motor Driver Output to DC

You can change any output of the Motor Driver either temporarily or permanently (every time the EX‑CommandStation starts).

Temporarily Changing to DC

There are several ways to temporarily change a Motor Driver Output to DC:

Using Engine Driver or EX-Toolbox (DC)

Engine Driver has specific TrackManager features that allow you to alter the output modes. See the TrackManager control Engine Driver page for details.

EX‑Toolbox has specific TrackManager features that allow you to alter the output modes. See the Track Manager page for details.

Issuing a Command (DC)

You can issue DCC-EX Native Commands to the EX‑CommandStation to change the output modes with Engine Driver, EX‑Toolbox, EX‑Installer Serial Monitor, EX‑WebThrottle or the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor.

  1. Open the Serial Monitor (or TrackManager page in Engine Driver or EX‑Toolbox)

  2. Issue the following command
    note that in this example I am setting output B to be DC and to be assigned to the Loco Address 1225.

<= B DC 1225>  // Set track B to DC mode with address 1225

Note the track power is immediately turn off anytime you change the track mode.

Creating a Route (DC)

Using a Route will set a specific loco number to be associated with DC output. This is a permanent relationship, in that it will be associated every time you start the EX‑CommandStation.

We will be adding some instructions the myAutomation.h file a re-uploading the Command Station software your EX‑CommandStation.

  1. Firstly you will need to select an address (1-10239) which will be assigned to the DC output. If you are also using using DCC on another output, pick a number that will not conflict with any of your own loco’s addresses.

  2. Next re-run the EX‑Installer selecting the options you would normally choose, but of the last page before loading you also select Advanced Config, before clicking the Advanced Config button.

  3. This will take you to the Advanced Configuration page, where you will have two (or possibly more) edit regions. One will be labelled myAutomation.h.

  4. in the myAutomation.h edit region you will need to type or copy the something like the following
    note that in this example I am setting output B to be DC and to be assigned to the Loco Address 1225.

ROUTE(1, "Set Output B to DC 1225") // 1 is the sequence identifier  it must be unique
  SETLOCO(1225)    // Assign Loco 1225
  SET_TRACK(B,DC)  // Set Track B to DC with address 1225
  1. Then Load the Command Station software as normal (on the next page)

Note that this will make the output DC if you activate the route in you controller. See Controlling a DC Loco for more information.

Note the track power is immediately turn off anytime you change the track mode.

Creating an Automation (DC)

Using an Automation rather than a Route creates a temporary association between a loco address and the DC output. It takes whatever address you currently have selected in the controller and assigns that to the output.

We will be adding some instructions the myAutomation.h file a re-uploading the Command Station software your EX‑CommandStation.

  1. Firstly you will need to select an address (1-10239) which will be assigned to the DC output. If you are also using using DCC on another output, pick a number that will not conflict with any of your own loco’s addresses.

  2. Next re-run the EX‑Installer selecting the options you would normally choose, but of the last page before loading you also select Advanced Config, before clicking the Advanced Config button.

  3. This will take you to the Advanced Configuration page, where you will have two (or possibly more) edit regions. One will be labelled myAutomation.h.

  4. in the myAutomation.h edit region you will need to type or copy the something like the following
    note that in this example I am setting output B to be DC and to be assigned to the Loco Address 1225.

AUTOMATION(2, "Set Output B to DC") // 2 is the sequence identifier  it must be unique
  SET_TRACK(B,DC)  // Set Track B to DC
  1. Then Load the Command Station software as normal (on the next page)

Note that this will make the output DC if you activate the route in you controller. See Controlling a DC Loco for more information.

Note the track power is immediately turn off anytime you change the track mode.

Permanently Changing To DC

By default the outputs of a Motor Driver are set to DCC. For Motor Drivers with two outputs one will be MAIN and one will be PROG. These, and any additional outputs, can be set to a number of different modes, not just DCC.

You can set any Motor Driver output to be DC every time the EX‑CommandStation starts up. If you wish, at any time you can temporarily change it any DC or DCC mode.

This process is similar to a the ‘Route’ process in the previous section but will happen automatically at start-up rather than when you select the route.

We will be adding some instructions the myAutomation.h file a re-uploading the Command Station software your EX‑CommandStation.

  1. Firstly you will need to select an address (1-10239) which will be assigned to the DC output. If you are also using using DCC on another output, pick a number that will not conflict with any of your own loco’s addresses.

  2. Next re-run the EX‑Installer selecting the options you would normally choose, but of the last page before loading you also select Advanced Config, before clicking the Advanced Config button.

  3. This will take you to the Advanced Configuration page, where you will have two (or possibly more) edit regions. One will be labelled myAutomation.h.

  4. in the myAutomation.h edit region you will need to type or copy the something like the following
    note that in this example I am setting output to be DC an to be assigned to the Loco Address 1225.

  SETLOCO(1225)    // Assign Loco 1225
  SET_TRACK(B,DC)  // Set Track B to DC with address 1225
  1. Then Load the Command Station software as normal (on the next page)

Selecting DC loco to control

While the process to control a loco is exactly the same as a DCC loco, the process to select it will vary depending on how you configured the Motor Driver Output to be DC.

If you set the Output to be permanently DC

  1. You will need to select the Loco Address you assigned to the output when you setup the permanent assignment.

If you used a Route (DC)

  1. Go to the list of Routes in your throttle

  2. Active the Route that you created

  3. You will then need to select the Loco Address you assigned to the output when you created the route.

If you used an Automation (DC)

  1. You will then need to select any Loco Address that you wish to use

  2. Go to the list of Routes and Automations in your throttle

  3. Active the Route (Automations) that you created

If you used Engine Driver, EX-Toolbox or a Command (DC)

  1. You will need to select the Loco Address you assigned to the output when you created the route.

Replacing or Integrating Into Your Current Layout

Existing analogue DC layouts which have standard DC transformers on two or more separate DC tracks/districts/blocks and/or also have a second separate proprietary DCC command station would have in place a section of dead rail, an electric relay, or a DPDT centre-off switch between the two types of controller powered stations. These should not be using a common ground rail, and only use dual insulated tracks.

You will be replacing this kind of legacy analogue DC and proprietary DCC installation described above with a single EX‑CommandStation which will have a software switching implementation, allowing you to easily and quickly swap between the two DCC (PWM) and DC (PWM) modes on any of the A thru H dual insulated tracks/districts in real time.

This also allows replacing the physical hardware DPDT switch.

This is all done through a single EX‑CommandStation. And no we’re not using another Expensive DCC decoder under the table on each Track/District/Block to address that section of track.


When specifying a DC or DCX cab ID, do not use one of your existing locomotive DCC addresses or road number IDs, otherwise a command sent to control a Cab on that DC or DCX track will also operate your DCC Loco with the same address, unless you intentionally do so.

Controlling a DC Loco

Any throttle that connect to an EX‑CommandStation can control analogue (DC) locos just as easily as DCC locos. Throttle Compatibility:

  • WiFi Throttles (e.g. Engine Driver, wiThrottle and many others)

  • The DCC-EX browser based EX‑WebThrottle

  • Other wired throttles to operate your DCC layout and your DC layout, either separately or a simultaneous combination of the two modes


Never drive a loco, DC or DCC, from an EX‑CommandStation controlled track or district to any other DCC or DC System.

TrackManager Technical Details and Detail Instructions

How do you run a EX-CommandStation in DC (PWM) mode?

Using TrackManager with simple easy commands from a throttle or from a serial monitor we can change any insulated track A-H from DCC (PWM) to DC (PWM) and back in real time.

  • Valid DCC modes are MAIN, PROG, and NONE

  • Valid DC modes are DC, DCX, and NONE

  • DCX is DC with an opposite polarity like NMRA modular layout track B which is wired left rail positive (+) and right rail negative (-)

This allows a throttle on track B set to DCX to operate in forward and reverse correctly for west bound engines

So, you can take a standard DC motor only engines Cab road number on the side of the engine and assign it to one or more of up to 8 tracks/districts/blocks labelled A thru H then enter that same number into a throttle and control that Loco Cab # on each and every one of the assigned tracks.

  • Valid Cab addresses are 1 to 10239.

  • Invalid Cab address is 0 zero.

Place any analogue DC engine on our EX-CommandStation with a TrackManager DC assigned track and it sits there dead quiet with lights off Until the throttle speed is increased in either direction and then lights up and begins to move.

DCC Loco with DC enabled CV decoder also sits quietly and when the throttle increases the Sound will turn on first then as you throttle up more it will begin moving. You can throttle back until it stops but leave a little throttle speed on say 5% and the Sound will continue to play while it is stopped.

Throttle speed response for DC Cabs vary because the DCdistrict track is operating from 0Vdc to 16+Vdc ~PWM waveform signal. CAB’s operating on a DCdistrict with either WiFi Throttles and EXRAIL Automation scripts with Engine Driver Handoff run different DC motors at different speeds.

So a script for FWD(50) speed will run at completely different speeds for two different DC motors depending on their resistance and efficiency. One crawls at 50 while the other one runs like a bat out of hell.

You can also run a DCC Locos with DC Conversion CV enabled On and run on the DCdistrict, without having to change the decoder DCC address. They will all run on that section of track.

DCC Sound Decoder locos with DC conversion enabled may be silent until the track reaches between 2v to 6Vdc then the Sound will start up, and between 3v to 8Vdc the motor will begin to respond and move depending on the manufacturer’s decoder.

Controlling & Managing DCC-EX TrackManager modes

You can Assign Tracks/Districts to DCC and DC mode in four ways

  1. Command Line via PC with Arduino IDE Serial Monitor or JMRI serial Traffic Monitor and it is sent through your USB connected cable.

  2. Create an EXRAIL myAutomation.h file Scripts for Track Manager assigned commands and they automatically appear in Engine Driver as GUI Automation [Handoff] and Route [Set] buttons, and in WiThrottle WiFi Throttle iOS as [Route] buttons, and on TCS Universal UWT-50 & 100 WiFi Throttle [Select Accry] lines.

  3. Enhanced Engine Driver WiFi Throttle Android app v2.35.169+ features;

  • Track/District Manager set mode screen by touching a track mode entering an address

  • Command Cmd Line Serial Monitor and enter them like in example (1) above but via WiFi Native mode

  1. New EX‑Toolbox WiFi Android app features;

  • Track/District Manager set mode screen by touching a track mode, entering an address

  • Command Cmd Line Serial Monitor and enter them like in example (1) above but via WiFi Native mode

New Engine Driver DCC-EX Native mode features now available today via Google Play Store:

TrackManager Commands

Sending commands from the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor or JMRI Send Command Line or a Engine Driver WiFi Throttle.

To display the current TrackManager configuration, use the command <=> an equal sign looks like a track.

The Serial Monitor will show current status, example; Track A as Main and Track B as PROG

  • <= A MAIN>

  • <= B PROG>

To change or configure the current track modes use the new command <= trackletter mode [address]> which has been added for Track Manager, where:

  • trackletter is A through H

  • mode is one of MAIN, PROG, DC, DCX, or NONE (DCX is DC with opposite polarity)

  • address is the Cab ID and is only required when specifying DC or DCX modes

 <= A MAIN>     // Set track A to MAIN DCC mode
 <= B PROG>     // Set track B to PROG DCC mode
 <= A DC 1234>  // Set track A to DC mode with address 1234
 <= B DCX 4321> // Set track B to DC mode Opposite Polarity address 4321
                // or any number you assign from 1 to 10239
 <= B NONE>      // Set track B disabled, like a staging yard when it gets too noisy.


You would then enter your Engine address on the throttle of 1234 and 4321 and drive them on the layout.

Create EX-RAIL Scripts to Change Track modes

Using EX‑RAIL functions inside myAutomation.h file to run Automation scripts to change track modes from DCC to DC and back. my.Automation.h file


Create EX-RAIL list of Track Manager Functions for Engine Driver Automatically Assign [Handoff] buttons

In a EX‑RAIL Automation script we could assign a track mode to DC and wait for a Engine Driver throttle to Assign the Current Selected Active Engine Address and drive Manually through the district on the layout.

See the third Engine Driver Throttle image ‘Districts A thru B with [Set] buttons at the end.

AUTOMATION(500, "Districts A MAIN _ B PROG Default")// Reset Default back to DCC Main & PROG
 SET_TRACK(A,MAIN) PRINT("Default Districts Tracks MAIN A & PROG B")
AUTOMATION(501, "District A MAIN")   // Alternate DCC Main track A
AUTOMATION(502, "District A PROG")   // Alternate DCC PROG track A
AUTOMATION(503, "District A DC")     // Alternate DC track A with loco ID 1
AUTOMATION(504, "District A DCX")    // Alternate DCX track A Changed to Opposite Polarity
 SET_TRACK(A,DCX) PRINT("District A DCX Opposite Polarity") // Track A Opposite Polarity DC
AUTOMATION(505, "District A NONE")    // A Track disabled
 SET_TRACK(A, NONE) PRINT ("District A disabled")
Copy and repeat AUTOMATION(506-510, District B  mode)
 and create any additional combinations or tracks C - H as you add more motor boards.

Create EX-RAIL Track Manager Functions for Engine Driver Throttle Automation [Handoff] buttons

In a EX‑RAIL Automation script we could a Set a Loco Address to a specific track in DC mode and have it run on Automation through the layout.

See the sixth Engine Driver Throttle image ‘EXRAIL 202 Roundhouse to Turntable Back & Forth - Timed’ [Handoff] button at the end.

AUTOMATION(202,"Roundhouse to Turntable Back & Forth -Timed")
  Run a your Roundhouse script blow whistle, run Forward delay wait and run Reverse delay stop
  DELAYRANDOM(msec, msec) // randomise the run time between runs

Create EX-RAIL Track Manager Functions for Engine Driver Throttle Route [Set] buttons

In an EXRAIL Automation script we could Set a Loco Address to a specific track in DC mode and Manually run a preassigned address on the layout.

ROUTE(1225,"Set track B to DC 1225")
  SETLOCO(1225)    // Assign Loco 1225
  SET_TRACK(B,DC)  // Set Track B to DC with address 1225
  CLOSE(1)         // Close Turnout 1
  THROW(2)         // Throw Turnout 2

Then manually drive the Cab# around the layout

All done through DCC-EX TrackManager with a simple push of a GUI button of Either or Both Engine Driver Handoff to Acquire the last Throttle Engine# used and run it on the mode of the track [i.e. DC engine 1225], Or Engine Driver (Set) button to set a block to a specific mode.

TrackMagic uses the road number ID of a DC Engine in a throttle to run it on a assigned track/district/block, mimicking the look of DCC Engines. No DPDT Switches are required, all waveform mode switching is done by Track Manager Software instructions.

DCC-EX Command Station with EX-RAIL & TrackManager

Cool thing is the new EXRAIL Automation(n) & Routes(n) work the same with DCC engines on MAIN tracks and the DC engines on DC or DCX tracks, along with the Sensors, Servos /Turnouts, Signals & MP3 Sound DFPlayer triggers with little or no script changes other than maybe the FWD(n) & REV (n) Speeds.

With the new DCC-EX direct WiFi Discovered Server you can connect Engine Driver & other WiThrottle app based throttles directly and have EXRAIL [Handoff] & [Set] buttons to run EXRAIL scripts from the throttles.

These are DCC-EX Major feature/benefits because with other systems you’ll have to use a PC computer or Pi processor & JMRI for WiThrottle Server throttle access and you have to write two different JMRI Jython.py scripts and then Setup Tools> Tables> Routes for for both DCC and DC automation & routes runs.

Modular Layouts

DCC-EX TrackManager 4.2.50+ is perfect for NMRA DCC Standards Modular Layouts which have two MAIN tracks/districts, Track A and Track B with sidings;

  • Track A (east bound) wired rails L- R+

  • Track B (westbound) which also have all the siding and spurs, wired rails L+ R-

You can set each district separately as mode

  • DCC for MAIN, PROG or NONE

  • analogue for DC, DCX or NONE

DCX is Opposite Polarity and is what you set Block B to when you want it in DC mode because it is wired to NMRA Modular DCC Standards L+, R-.

EXRAIL examples

Example of User defined EXRAIL Scripts running on Engine Driver Throttle App (Android):

Engine Driver Throttle Controlling Two Locos:

  • DCC PE 1225 on District A DCC address 1225 Sound Decoder

  • DC NH 667 on District B DC address 667 with IPLS Virtual Sound Decoder

Track Manager ED 1

Figure 273 Track Manager - Engine Driver 1

DCC-EX Commands, scroll-able

Track Manager

Figure 274 Track Manager

DCC-EX TrackManager “Handoff” & “Set” buttons

  • Scroll through & select track modes

  • Takes the current selected Active Throttle Engine and assigns that Address to the DC or DCX track

Track Manager handoff

Figure 275 Track Manager - Engine Driver handoff

Engine Driver DCC-EX Native mode

  • TrackManager MAIN & PROG

  • With DCC-EX Cmd Line & Serial monitor

Track Manager DCC-EX native mode

Figure 276 Track Manager - Engine Driver DCC-EX native mode

Engine Driver DCC-EX Native mode

  • TrackManager District A DCC MAIN

  • TrackManager District B DC 667

Track Manager A/B

Figure 277 Engine Driver - Track Manager A/B

Engine Driver EXRAIL Automation [Handoff] and FX special effects buttons

Track Manager handoff

Figure 278 Track Manager - Engine Driver handoff

FX Special Effects [Set] continued and Route [Set] buttons

Track Manager handoff/set

Figure 279 Track Manager - Engine Driver handoff/set

EXRAIL Functions Displaying on Smartphone Apps & Universal WiFi Throttles

The Engine Driver EXRAIL screens shown above are all created through user defined EXRAIL Automation(n) and Route(n) scripts which are automatically passed to both Engine Driver & WiThrottle App screens as well as the Train Control Systems TCS Universal WiFi UWT-50 and UWT-100 tactile throttles all via direct connect DCC-EX WiThrottle Protocol interface.

Please see the specific Smartphone App & Universal WiFi Throttle instructions on how to enable their Preferences and Route screens. https://dcc-ex.com/throttles/index.html#withrottle-protocol-based-throttles