The EX‑CommandStation / Booster One Express already comes with the EX‑CommandStation software installed. You can, however, use this page for instructions on how to upload a newer version, or upload your EXRAIL scripts
Welcome to the EX‑CommandStation download page. You have several choices:
[RECOMMENDED] If you are a Conductor, or you just want an easy installer to do the work for you, go to the ex-Installer section.
If you are a Tinkerer the ex-Installer is still the recommended solution, but if would like to download a zip file and install the firmware using the Arduino IDE or Visual Studio Code (VSC), go to the Latest EX-CommandStation Official Release section.
To get the latest unreleased development version, go to the Latest EX-CommandStation Unreleased Development Version (or use the ex-Installer ).
If you are an Engineer or developer, and want to clone the repository onto your computer, go to the EX-CommandStation Repository (project source files) section.
If you’re still looking for the old, and unsupported, BaseStationClassic (DCC++), go to the BaseStation-Classic section.
If you have any difficulties with the automated installer link try these:
This is the new version of the EX‑Installer.
Clicking on the link below will automatically find the correct version of the installer for your Computer and Operating system (Windows, Apple, Linux) and download it.
This downloads a self contained app that can automatically load the software from your computer to your Arduino or other supported board. Click here for EX-Installer installation instructions.
Note that the new EX‑Installer will unfortunately not work on Windows 7.
Manually loading the software
If you plan to use the the Arduino IDE or Visual Studio Code (VSC) to configure your EX‑CommandStation you can use the links below to download the appropriate version.
A word of caution on using the Arduino IDE to install the software:
While it is possible install the software using the Arduino IDE, we seriously DO NOT RECOMMEND IT for a Conductor or Tinkerer. It is an order of magnitude more complex, much slower, and with a very high probability of getting something wrong unless you really know what you are doing.
The EX‑Installer will meet 100% of the needs of a Conductor or Tinkerer with considerably less effort.
Latest EX-CommandStation Official Release
On the releases page, select the most recent version and download the .zip file. You will see the 2 files for download, choose the compression format you prefer: CommandStation-EX.zip or CommandStation-EX.tar.gz. The zip/tar file contains the Arduino Sketch file for EX‑CommandStation. You will need either the Arduino IDE or the PlatformIO development environment in order to upload it to your microcontroller board. Click here for Arduino IDE installation instructions.
Latest EX-CommandStation Unreleased Development Version
The link below is to the “devel” branch in GitHub. You can use the “Download ZIP” option from the “Code” pulldown menu to obtain a local copy of this code. Please open the zip file, go into the “CommandStation-EX-master” folder, and unzip all the files in that folder into your “CommandStation-EX” sketch folder. Make sure you DO NOT just unzip the entire zip file, since it will have the incorrect folder name. The Arduino IDE requires that the folder name and the .ino file inside that folder match names exactly, i.e.: “CommandStation-EX” not “CommandStation-EX-master”.
Discord is the best place to keep up-to-date on new code releases, and you may be directed to download the latest version here from time to time, as new features are added and updated often.
EX-CommandStation Repository (project source files)
The link below will take you the the EX-CommandStation GitHub repository, where you can clone the project to your computer. Click on the green button to get a clone link or to download the zip file. We have made sure that you can still use the Arduino IDE if you like, but we recommend developers use the PlatformIO development environment. See the Contributing Page for more information.
BaseStation-Classic (the original DCC++) is no longer maintained or supported by the DCC-EX Team.
We recommend using the newer EX‑CommandStation as it will run on the same hardware and is maintained and supported.
The new EX‑Installer does not provide an option to install BaseStation-Classic so if you wish to install it you will need to use the Arduino IDE or Visual Studio Code (VSC) and download the links below.