DCC-EX Suppliers

Cases / Enclosures

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David Yale

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David’s Makerbot Thingiverse page

David provides the files to make a 3D printed case or can sell an already made case to fit the Mega EX‑CommandStation with a motor shield, WiFi shield, and LCD display. He has several designs.

David Yale DCC-EX case

David’s DCC-EX case designs

Chesterfield Cases

UK Flag

Chesterfield Model Making & Miniature Electronics

Chesterfield sells a case to fit the Mega DCC-EX Command Station along with complete controllers and related products.

Chesterfield Command Station Case

Chesterfield EX-CommandStation Case

Command Station Rack (The Mac Rack)

UK Flag

Created by Neil McKechnie, one of the the DCC-EX Team developers, this is a rack style 3D printed case that can hold the Command Station Arduino, Motor Shield and Raspberry Pi.

McKechnie "Mac Rack"

Neil’s DCC++/EX Controller Case

Sumner’s Mega Dual Configuration Case (3D Print)

US Flag

Created by Sumner Patterson, this is a range of Mega Command Station cases with different configurations and different tops at different heights to handle your boards:

  • Uno and Motor Shield Case

  • Mega and Motor Shield Case

  • Mega, Motor Shield, and WiFi Board Case

  • Mega, Motor Shield, and Raspberry Pi Case (for JMRI Users)

Sumner Command Station Cases

Sumner’s Thingiverse Case Page

List of Sumner’s 3D printed cases

Hans Tanner’s ioTT cube case system (3D Print)

US Flag

Hans has created a stacking system of cases similar to the M5Stack system. Using his skill in design and TinkerCAD, he is offering the design files for free for you to 3D print yourself or have printed. He also sells kits and accessories (like a Loconet board) in his Tindie store:

  • UNO Stackable Case

  • MotorShield Stackable Case

There are various remixes of Hans’ designs, so be sure to check them all out.

IoTT Command Station Cases IoTT Command Station Cases

TinkerCAD design files

Hans Tanner’s IoTT Tindie store

YouTube Video describing the enclosure system

Nebbish’s Arduino Mega case for DCC-EX (3D Print)

US Flag

Case to hold Arduino Mega, motor shield, and .96” display for DCC-EX

  • Cover options with and without display

  • Plain cover or one that says DCC Command Station

  • Options for external connections

Nebbish Command Station Cases Nebbish Command Station Cases

Nebbish case on Thingiverse