WiFi throttles can’t normally connect to an EX‑CommandStation via USB, however it is possible to temporarily create a USB to IP connection on your PC using tools like socat or SerialToIPGUI (for windows).
Note: Change S11 to the appropriate USB port. Whatever ‘COM’ number appears in the Device Manager, subtract 1.
i.e. ‘COM12’ in the Windows Device Manager becomes ‘/dev/ttyS11’
Using SerialToIPGUI (For Microsoft Windows) (Recommended):
Select the correct COM port for the command station
Enter the port of ‘2560’
Click Start
Once started…
Open your WiFi throttle app on your Android/iOS/etc. device
On the connection screen/fields:
Enter the IP address of your PC (The one running socat or SerialToIPGUI)
Enter the port of ‘2560’
This ‘trick’ only supports a single connection at a time. So it is important that JMRI (if you are using it), or the Arduino IDE serial monitor, or anything else that might be using the COM (USB) port are shut down first.