
Currently, DigitTrainsPro works with EX‑CommandStation through JMRI. You use JMRI’s Web Server for the connection. However, we are working with the author and will soon have an option to connect directly to the EX‑CommandStation using DCC-EX Native Commands (estimated April 2021).
WINDOWS - Get if from the Windows Store
ANDROID - Get it from the Google Play Store
iOS - Get it from the App Store
Runs on Android, IOS, Windows 10 Desktop, Tablet and Mobile.
Connects to JMRI using their Web Server or soon will be able to connect directly to EX‑CommandStation
Attractive User Interface
Plays Station Loudspeaker Sounds
Includes a Dispatcher game
Club Server feature (connect multiple CABs through a computer connected to the CS)
Function control
CV Programming

An Android, IOS, Windows 10 (Desktop, Tablet and Mobile) device
Command Station (WiFi if you want to connect directly)
JMRI (If you want to connect through the JMRI WEB Server)
*TODO: Write the operation section*