DCC-EX has a new installer!
Yes, that’s right, the DCC-EX team is announcing we have an updated EX‑Installer!
The previous version has been a welcome addition to the family and served many users well, however only caters for EX‑CommandStation, and has recently had issues for our Linux and macOS users, meaning it was time for a refresh.
Our new installer has been written in Python with a view to being portable across as many operating systems as possible and continues to use the Arduino Command Line Interface (CLI) in the background to manage loading the DCC-EX software onto your Arduino device.
Further to this, the new EX‑Installer has been written in a way that will allow you to install our other Arduino based products with it in the future, including EX‑IOExpander, EX‑Turntable, EX‑FastClock, and EX‑DCCInspector.
You just need to download one file for either Windows, Linux, or macOS in order to get up and running with the new EX‑Installer, and it will take care of downloading our software and managing your Arduino device. [1]
For instructions on how to get the new EX‑Installer and how to use it, head over to the EX-Installer page.