DCC-EX Native Protocol Library

Announcing DCCEXProtocol Library 1.2.0

We’ve released the latest version of the DCCEXProtocol library version 1.2.0 today.

This release adds the ability to read/write CVs on both the main and programming tracks:

  • handOffLoco(locoAddress, automationId)

    • Use this to send a loco to an EXRAIL automation.

    • You must enable retrieving routes, and the automationId must match a valid EXRAIL automation ID to work.

  • readCV(cv) and validateCV(cv, value)

    • Read or validate a CV for a loco on the programming track.

    • The associated delegate method to implement is receivedValidateCV(int cv, int value) as both return the same response.

  • writeLocoAddress(address)

    • Write the provided address to a loco on the programming track.

    • The associated delegate method to implement is receivedWriteLoco(int address).

  • validateCVBit(cv, bit, value)

    • Validate the specified bit of a CV for a loco on the programming track.

    • The associated delegate method to implement is receivedValidateCVBit(int cv, int bit, int value).

  • writeCV(cv, value)

    • Write a CV to a loco on the programming track.

    • The associated delegate method to implement is receivedWriteCV(int cv, int value).

  • writeCVBit(cv, bit, value)

    • Write the specified value to the specified bit of a CV to a loco on the programming track.

    • There is no delegate method to implement for the response for this due to parser limitations, and we recommend writing full CVs.

  • writeCVOnMain(address, cv, value)

    • Write to the specified CV to the specified loco on the main track.

  • writeCVBitOnMain(address, cv, bit, value)

    • Write to the specified bit and CV to the specified loco on the main track.