Announcing DCCEXProtocol Library 1.2.0
We’ve released the latest version of the DCCEXProtocol library version 1.2.0 today.
This release adds the ability to read/write CVs on both the main and programming tracks:
handOffLoco(locoAddress, automationId)
Use this to send a loco to an EXRAIL automation.
You must enable retrieving routes, and the automationId must match a valid EXRAIL automation ID to work.
readCV(cv) and validateCV(cv, value)
Read or validate a CV for a loco on the programming track.
The associated delegate method to implement is receivedValidateCV(int cv, int value) as both return the same response.
Write the provided address to a loco on the programming track.
The associated delegate method to implement is receivedWriteLoco(int address).
validateCVBit(cv, bit, value)
Validate the specified bit of a CV for a loco on the programming track.
The associated delegate method to implement is receivedValidateCVBit(int cv, int bit, int value).
writeCV(cv, value)
Write a CV to a loco on the programming track.
The associated delegate method to implement is receivedWriteCV(int cv, int value).
writeCVBit(cv, bit, value)
Write the specified value to the specified bit of a CV to a loco on the programming track.
There is no delegate method to implement for the response for this due to parser limitations, and we recommend writing full CVs.
writeCVOnMain(address, cv, value)
Write to the specified CV to the specified loco on the main track.
writeCVBitOnMain(address, cv, bit, value)
Write to the specified bit and CV to the specified loco on the main track.