Version 5 is here!
New in version 5 Yep, that’s right, the much anticipated EX‑CommandStation version 5 release is here at last! This is a huge release, adding significant new features like TrackManager, enhancing existing capabilities, introducing new and enhanced I/O support, along with other associated products such as EX‑FastClock, EX‑Turntable, and EX‑IOExpander.
We highly recommend upgrading to version 5 to take advantage of the improvements we’ve made, and especially for those users who are using our new EX‑MotorShield8874, as we’ve improved how it deals with overloads and inrush current amongst other enhancements.
To get your hands on this latest release, select Latest Production
when running EX‑Installer (see Using EX-Installer - Detailed Instructions), or you can download it manually by following the directions in Latest EX-CommandStation Official Release.
We’ve outlined the key updates below but this is not an exhaustive list.
EX-CommandStation features, fixes, and enhancements
TrackManager - Run both DC and DCC trains from the same controller and switch your tracks between DC and DCC modes live, see TrackManager (DCC & DC)
Beta support for new, 32 bit microcontrollers including ESP32 WROOM and some STMicroelectronics Nucleo, see Beta microcontrollers - STM32 Nucleo, ESP32, and SAMD
Extensive optimisation of HIGHMEM useage to free up PROGMEM below the 64kb and increase the useful life of the AVR Mega2560 platform
Add option to disable programming to allow limited platforms such as the Arduino Uno to run limited EXRAIL scripts
Add support for our new fast clock EX‑FastClock, see EX-FastClock
Add support for our new I/O expander EX‑IOExpander, see EX-IOExpander
Add support for our new turntable controller EX‑Turntable, see EX-Turntable
Add support for duinoNodes, see Lew’s Duino Gear duinoNodes
Add support for a rotary encoder
Add support for PCF8575 and PCA/TCA9555 GPIO devices
Enhanced overcurrent detection, including enhancing the behaviour to deal with inrush current issues
Moved startup of the HAL earlier in the boot sequence
Improved performance for ADC (analogue to digital) reads
Enhancements to I2C bus retries and timeouts
Support for I2C multiplexers to help with devices with static or limited address ranges
Support for multiple I2C displays
Improved handling of conflicting I2C addresses and Vpin allocations
Enhanced DFPlayer error handling
for multi-track gauges to support TrackManagerImproved stability for the VL53L0X ToF sensor
Bugfix for signals being inverted (active high was actually active low and vice versa)
Bugfix for Ethernet allowing a static IP address to be set
Known Issues
We have one known issue in version 5 where DFPlayer doesn’t work correctly in some circumstances, which we are investigating and will fix soon
EXRAIL enhancements
For details on these changes and new commands, refer to our new, consolidated EXRAIL Command Reference.
BREAKING CHANGE Removed implicit
from myAutomation.h, simply addAUTOSTART
to the beginning of the file to restore this, see Scripts/Sequences - Types and ControlEnhance
command to respond to external direction changesAdd
command to control DCC Accessory based signalsAdd
command to enable user-defined signal sequencesAdd
, andONRED
signal event handlers to respond to signal changesAdd
command to enable using a linear DCC address for DCC Accessory turnoutsAdd
command to enable controlling an EX‑TurntableAdd
command to test the position of a rotary encoderAdd
event handler to respond to a position change of a rotary encoderAdd
event handlers to respond to EX‑FastClock timesAdd
command to test if the provided loco ID is used in the sequenceAdd
command to drop the provided loco ID from reminder tablesAdd
command to configure TrackManager in sequencesAdd
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to support newer microcontrollers with more/different interfacesAdd
command to display messages on multiple displaysAdd
commands to control track power
Website enhancements
As always, we are continuing to ensure our website is updated, and endeavour to make it easier to use and find information.

The big change is that you can now choose “dark mode” by clicking the icon in bottom right corner.